The Inclusive March Challenge- Third Edition
March is just around the corner, and with it comes the return of our Inclusive March Challenge for the third consecutive year. What started as a simple initiative to spark conversations around inclusion in the financial sector has grown into an eagerly anticipated challenge that brings teams from the financial sector together through engaging weekly exercises.
More Information
Our annual report for 2024 is available!
Where are the signatories today? Where do they want to go? And how will they use the charter to achieve their goals? These - and many other - questions are answered in the annual Wo.Men in Finance report.
Download the full report here
Beyond Boundaries: Debunking Stereotypes in Finance
On the 17th of October 2024, Wo.Men in Finance hosted its first student event: Beyond Boundaries: Debunking Stereotypes in Finance. 100 eager students, female, male and x, filled the colourful Vlerick Business School auditorium.
The message during the event was clear: finance is more than just numbers and grey suits. It’s a place that allows career growth, fosters diverse talents and offers a healthy work-life balance.
Annual Event-Leadership: Empowering Every Voice
At Wo.Men in Finance we encourage everyone to see themselves as leaders, fostering self-awareness, collaboration, and supportive environments.
Therefore, the theme of our annual event was "Leadership: Empowering Every Voice" where we had the pleasure to listen to the keynote of Karen Wouters and the enriching and insighful testimonials of our speakers Karen De Sousa Pesse, Hanan Challouki, Simone Susskind and Piet Van de Velde.
TAKEAWAYS“We are convinced that in today's world, the best decisions are made by diverse groups and that the most appealing employers are the inclusive ones„
Christine Van Rijsseghem & Claire Godding - Chair & Co-Chair Women in Finance
Survey Corporate Culture and Career M/F/X
Is there a link between the blocking factors on your career path and the culture of the sector or organisation you work in? Are you curious whether there is a link and what that link would look like? Is there a difference between women and men?
Wo·Men in Finance has, in collaboration with KU Leuven and Ghent University, done a large-scale anonymous survey of the Belgian financial sector to investigate this. Based on the responses of 1351 participants, we are happy to share the full results of the study with you.
Click here to see the full results of the survey
Wo·Men in Finance: that is also a cast-iron diversity charter
Financial institutions that sign the charter commit to measuring gender differences at every level of their company, to setting specific objectives for the company, to drawing up a diversity and inclusion plan and to appointing a person responsible for diversity.
Read the charter here