
Here we collect all articles, data and research relevant to employees in the financial sector.

Where are the signatories today? Where do they want to go? And how will they use the charter to achieve their goals? These - and many other - questions are answered in the annual Wo.Men in Finance report.

Claire Godding's objective? To make the entire financial sector more inclusive and diverse. This is a question of collective intelligence for the company, which requires human resources processes from recruitment onwards, as well as an inclusive culture and leadership.

Finance needs to change to enable women to compete for high-flying positions in the same proportion as men. Laura Lumingu (Senior Policy Advisor at KBC) and Jérémie Maes (Segment Manager at Belfius) take a look at the issue.

Wo•Men in Finance: three years after its creation, the association, which now has 50 members, is regarded as an example in Belgium and Europe. What is next for Wo•Men in Finance? Read it here in our annual report.

Is there a link between the blocking factors on your career path and the culture of the sector or organisation you work in? Are you curious whether there is a link and what that link would look like? Check out the results of our survey!

Inclusive Panels is an initiative that strives for a better mix of gender, origin and age in panels at all kinds of events in Belgium.

Women in Finance, the initiative that promotes equal and fair opportunities for all those working in the financial sector, has published figures on the progress of gender equality in the financial sector for the second year in a row. 

In this article you will read more about what kind of impact women can have within a management team.

Men and women view the world from a different perspective. Younger and older employees often have a different view of things. The same is true for those who grew up in a different culture. Put all those different perspectives together and you get not only better insights but also better decisions.

We regularly put one of our members in the spotlight. This time it is the turn of Valérie Urbain, CEO of Euroclear Bank. Discover her journey in the following video message.

Thanks to Women in Finance, almost 60% of the signatories actively started working on an action plan on gender diversity.

First gender diversity target achieved: 61 members that signed our Charter, together covering more than 90% of employees in the sector

Febelfin, together with many other financial players, signed a charter that pleads for more gender diversity in the financial sector. Read more on this important step towards gender balance and diversity.